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American Society of Landscape Architects (LAAB-ASLA)

As stated in their website, “Accreditation is a non-governmental, voluntary system of self-regulation. Its core is the concept of self-evaluation. The Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board (LAAB) accreditation process evaluates each program on the basis of its stated objectives and compliance to externally mandated minimum standards. The program conducts a self-study to evaluate how well it is meeting its educational goals. LAAB then provides an independent assessment, which determines if a program meets accreditation requirements. Programs leading to first professional degrees at the bachelor’s or master’s levels in the United States are eligible to apply for accreditation from LAAB.”

The Universidad Ana G Méndez is granted a six-year period of accreditation of the following LAAB-accredited degree program:

  • Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture

                  123 credits

  • Date of the Previous Visit: April 7-10, 2019
  • Current Term of Accreditation:

The Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board (LAAB) at its August 2-3, 2019 meeting granted initial accreditation for a period of six (6) years to the course of study leading to the first professional BSLA degree at Universidad Ana G. Mendez. This status is subject to review of an interim report to be submitted by June 1, 2021 and annual reports and maintenance of good standing.

The interim report should provide an update on each Recommendation Affecting Accreditation (RAA) in order to demonstrate compliance, or steps towards compliance, with the respective standard. Programs will be given up to two years to resolve their RAA(s). Upon receipt of the two-year Interim Report, the LAAB will accept that the RAA(s) have been addressed or, if not, the program will be given two more years to resolve the issues. For any RAA(s) that have not been resolved, a second Interim Report will be due to the LAAB on or before four years from the receipt of the Action Letter. If the RAAs are not successfully resolved or, in the case of longer term issues, substantial and verifiable progress has not been made at that time (after four years from the Action Letter) then the program may be moved to provisional status, it may be suspended, or in some cases the program’s accreditation may be revoked.

Accreditation is awarded on a time-certain basis. The six-year period of accreditation ends June 30, 2025. Accordingly, the BSLA program is next scheduled for a review during the spring of 2025.

In making its decision, LAAB considered the program's self-evaluation report, the visiting team report, and the program’s response to the report.


LAAB, the Landscape Architectural Accrediting Board is the national organization dedicated to accrediting programs that offer professional degrees in landscape architecture.

LAAB Documents
LAAB Accreditation Standards
LAAB Accreditation Procedures

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