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About the Program

The Universidad Ana G. Méndez is recognized as an institution focused on academic excellence, research and service, with social responsibility and local and global projection. The Gurabo Campus is an accredited campus of the Universidad Ana G. Méndez, committed to academic excellence, research, innovation, entrepreneurship, internationalization and the socio-humanist development of a diverse population. The Gurabo campus resources support the post-secondary, undergraduate, graduate and continuing education academic offer, through various modalities, framed in the highest quality standards.

The School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM) facilities include:  an animal house, multipurpose laboratory, hands-on laboratory, anatomy and pathology laboratory, diagnostic imaging laboratory, research area, clinical pathology laboratory, small animal surgery laboratory, large animal facilities with large animal recovery/ induction surgery suites, a Veterinary Teaching Hospitals (VTH), small and large animal isolation with multiple student services areas and administrative offices. The school will share spaces with the existing university campus location, to integrate student services, additional research laboratories, library, and amphitheaters for lectures. 

Shaiana Negrón-Pagán, DVM
Dean, UAGM School of Veterinary Medicine

Danny Liswaniso, DVM, PhD
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs

Alberto Fernández, DVM, Dipl. DACVECC
Associate Dean of Students Affairs / Director, Veterinary Teaching Hospital   

Pedro De Pedro, DVM, MSc, Dipl. ACVIM
Associate Dean of Clinical Affairs

Doris M. Castellanos, MBA, MHA, CIP 
Assistant Dean of Research and Graduate Programs

Brenda M. Norat Serrano
Administrative Assistant
787-743-7979, x 4063

Ilianex Oquendo Pérez
Coordinator of Integrated Academic Services
787-743-7979, x 3681

Carina I. Gobaira Muñiz
Admissions Recruitment Advisor
787-743-7979, x 3497

Juan Cotto Gonzalez
Bursar Advisor
787-743-7979, x 3599

Eugenio Quiñones Cancel 
Associate Registrar
787-743-7979, x 6833

Edwin Lloret 
Enrollment Officer
787-743-7979, x 3604

José Caraballo
Financial Aid Advisor
787-743-7979, x 3729

“In compliance with the AVMA COE, UAGM will include the current status granted by AVMA-COE in December 15, 2023, and notified the UAGM on January 11, 2023 using verbatim the text below:

AVMA granted UAGM Gurabo Campus, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program a Letter of Reasonable Assurance – This is a status awarded to developing colleges in the US and Canada. This recognition allows the College to pursue its plan for the veterinary program, and to admit students. Reasonable Assurance is not a pre-accreditation action, by the Council, and does not confer accreditation of any kind on a developing college. 

The Letter of Reasonable Assurance is the first step in the process of obtaining the AVMA COE accreditation. At this time, the program is authorized by AVMA COE to admit the first class. If a college granted Reasonable Assurance is making adequate progress in complying with the Standards, Provisional Accreditation may be granted to that college on the date that letters of acceptance (admission) are mailed to members of the initial class. Colleges with a status of Reasonable Assurance or Provisional Accreditation are  required to submit reports at six-month intervals to monitor the program’s progress in complying with the Standards according to colleges-accredited-Dec-23.pdf ( Students who graduate under the Provisional Accreditation status are eligible to sit for the North America Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE) to practice in the American territory.”