Academia/ Academics
Estudiante consumidor
Licencia y acreditación / License and Accreditations
Ofrecimientos académicos / Academic Offerings
- Para acceder a los programas académicos, haz clic aquí.
Calendarios académicos
- Para acceder a los calendarios académicos, haz clic aquí.
Catálogo / Catalog
- Para acceder catálogos, haz clic aquí.
Professional Licensure Notifications
Haz clic aquí para ver la información de Professional Licensure Notifications
Estudio en el extranjero / Study Abroad
- Haz clic aquí para ver la página de Asuntos Internacionales
Resultados de aprendizaje / Student Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes and Licensure Results
Tasa de empleabilidad / Employability rate
Student who complete a previous program al UAGM – Cupey Campus Enrollment option statement
The admission of students is carried out in accordance with the current admission policy. In the case of students who have completed a degree, it is evaluated in accordance with current policies and the requirements of the academic program identified as established in the institutional catalog. The institution disseminates their academic offerings through web page in the academic catalog section. In addition, the institution publishes the curricular sequences in the academic offerings section on the web page.