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The International Journal of Educational Excellence (ISSN 2373-5929) is a multidisciplinary scientific journal which main objective is the dissemination of studies that provide answers to the main educational scientific and social problems present in higher education, in order to achieve excellence quality in all their areas. Papers will be welcomed, regardless of the subject area to which they belong as long as they entailed a contribution, innovation or breakthrough in the development of models of teaching or scientific research in the scientific world which lead to a social improvement. Research work performed in other educational levels may also be considered, if they demonstrate a strong and justified relationship to higher education. All papers submitted for publication must be unpublished and originals, and should not be under any evaluation procedure for publication in other journals. Theoretical work as well as work based on field studies and empirical laboratory experiments are accepted. All kinds of strategies and methodological approaches may have been used for the study. They have to comply within the parameters of current scientific and technological research. The review criteria and selection process will take into account mainly the quality of the work under consideration: if it makes a significant contribution to the object of interest, main interests of the journal and if it offers a breakthrough or significant contribution to the current scientific knowledge and, ultimately, if it contributes to the progress of our society. This journal is of free and direct access (Open Access, OA), and it serves the international scientific community and open knowledge. 

The journal is digitally published in order to keep all the features of traditional print journals. Articles will appear in PDF format, conveniently typeset and numbered as classical style journals. Therefore, it is our intention to facilitate their distribution and their scientific citation in accordance with all existing highest standards. Additionally, for the reader’s convenience chapters of the book can be printed in their full version as well as can be accessed in tis digital format, such as e-book. This publication takes advantage of newly implemented technologies in order to facilitate publishing and distribution, at the same time that takes into account the ecological aspect of paperless publishing. Nor can we forget the specific possibilities offered by electronic publishing, such as the quick and easy access to any item of each number by simply selecting it from the start index or by identifying hyperlinks that can be added by the authors to their articles.

Peer Review Process

Original submissions to the International Journal of Educational Excellence (IJEE) will be reviewed by external referees, a process known as peer review. Reviewers are academics and researchers who are experts in the corresponding specialized field of knowledge. Their main task will be to study all submitted papers critically and constructively. For a paper’s evaluation a "double-blind" system will be used. This method consists of one in which authors and reviewers are not known to each other, aiming at a maximum objectivity in the evaluation of the manuscript. Those articles that are considered by the editorial and scientific committee of the journal with high possibilities for publication will be submitted to referees who will determine the relevance of their acceptance. It may be the case that they be sent back to the authors with suggested changes and then back again to the journal to continue with the evaluation process, which ultimately will assess the relevance of the article to be published or rejected.

Journal Frequency

The periodicity of the International Journal of Educational Excellence will be two issues per year, and these will form a volume. The first issue is published in the first half of the year, the second issue in the second half. There is no deadline for the submission of manuscripts, which will remain open during the whole year and publication of the article will possibly appear in the following issue after a positive evaluation of the work. For monographs, in which contributions to a specific topic will be requested, the deadline for receipt of manuscripts for evaluation corresponds to June 30 for the first issue and December 31 for the second issue, both referred to volume of the year following the call of articles.

Identification and Access to the Journal

The journal is named International Journal of Educational Excellence, and it is abbreviated IJEE. Its ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) number is 2373-5929. For cataloging, it should be referred to as International Journal of Educational Excellence (IJEE): ISSN 2373-5929. Access to the journal may be performed from the main web address.


The journal is addressed to the scientific community and to the general to society as well. However, because of its own nature, the principal target audience should be: university professors, scientists, researchers, managers of higher education, social and political workers within the fields of education and science and others related.

Abstracting / Indexing



MLA International





Microsoft Academic

Latin Rev










Index Copernicus

Semantic Scholar












The articles published in the International Journal of Educational Excellence are licensed under Creative Commons: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International) You are free to: Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. Under the following terms: Attribution — You must give appropriate credit , provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use; NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes; NoDerivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.

Author Rights: authors sign a license agreement. Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to complete a 'Journal Publishing Agreement'. The ethics Journal Publishing Agreement for the International Journal of Educational Excellence (IJEE) is based in part on the SPARC Guide to Author Rights/SPARC Author Addendum.

cc sparc

Acceptance of the agreement will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information.​ In order for the International Journal of Educational Excellence (IJEE) to publish and disseminate research articles, we need publishing rights. This is determined by the publishing agreement between the author and IJEE. This agreement deals with the transfer or license of the copyright to IJEE and authors retain rights to use and share their own published articles. Authors have the right to: (i) the rights to reproduce, to distribute, to publicly perform, and to publicly display the article in any medium for non- commercial purposes; (ii) the right to prepare derivative works from the article; and (iii) the right to authorize others to make any non-commercial use of the article so long as author receives credit as author and the journal in which the article has been published is cited as the source of first publication of the article. For example, Author may make and distribute copies in the course of teaching and research and may post the article on personal or institutional web sites and in other open-access digital repositories. IJEE supports the need for authors to share, disseminate and maximize the impact of their research and these rights.

For all parties involved in the act of publishing (the author, the journal/publisher and the peer reviewer) it is necessary to agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior. The ethics statements for the International Journal of Educational Excellence (IJEE) are based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Editors (



The value of scientific publishing relies on everyone involved behaving ethically. The publication of an article in the International Journal of Educational Excellence, a peer-reviewed journal, is a direct manifestation of the quality of work of the author and the institutions that support them. Peer-reviewed articles support and embody the scientific method. Ethics topics to consider: Authorship: Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the reported work. The authors should ensure that their study is original and written by them and their work has not been previously published and has been submitted only to the journal.  / Originality: The authors should ensure that where material is taken from other sources (including their own published writing) the source is clearly cited and that where appropriate permission is obtained. / Data access: Authors may be asked to provide the raw data in connection with a manuscript for editorial review, and should be prepared to provide public access to such data. / Acknowledgement of sources: Proper acknowledgment. / Conflicts of interest: The authors should ensure that any real or apparent conflicting or competing interest is clearly stated on submission of their manuscript. / Reporting standards: Authors of reports of original research should present an accurate account of the work performed. / Human or animal subjects: The authors should ensure that they adhere to all research ethics. / Confidentiality and impartially of the reviewers: The reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of the review process and conduct themselves fairly and impartially; immediately alert the editor-in-chief of any real or potential competing interest that could affect the impartiality of their reviewing and decline to review where appropriate.

Publication in this journal is totally free (no Article submission charges nor article processing charges and no publication fees), as one of the main goals of the journal is to provide international researchers with a free publishing platform. Papers submitted to International Journal of Educational Excellence (IJEE) will be screened for plagiarism using CrossCheck / iThenticate plagiarism detection tools. This journal will immediately reject papers leading to plagiarism.

Editorial Office Submissions Information

Universidad Ana G. Méndez (UAGM). Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Recinto de Cupey. Escuela de Educación.

  • PO Box 21150
    San Juan, PR
  • Email

Editorial Board

José Gómez Galán, PhD, PhD. (Email)

Associate Editors
Marcela A. Cazzoli, PhD. Durham University, United Kingdom (Email)
Eloy López Meneses, PhD. Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Spain (Email)
Eduardo Negueruela Azarola, PhD. University of Miami, United States (Email)
Maribel Santos Miranda Pinto, PhD. Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Portugal (Email)
Fabrizio Manuel Sirignano, PhD. Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa, Italy (Email)
Laura San Martín, PhD. Harvard University, United States (Email)

International Editorial Advisory Board
Jean-François Cerisier, Ph.D. Université de Poitiers, France (Email)
Carmen Rosa Coloma Manrique, PhD.  Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Perú (Email
Enricomaria Corbi, PhD. Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa, Italy (Email)
José Francisco Durán Medina, PhD. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain (Email)
Susana Silvia Fernández, PhD. Aarhus Universitet, Danmark (Email)
Edileuza de Freitas Miranda de Mendonça, PhD. Conselho de Educação de Goiânia, Brazil, (Email)
Maria Luisa Iavarone, PhD. Università degli Studi Parthenope, Italy (Email)
Javier Loredo Enríquez, PhD. Universidad Iberoamericana de México, México (Email)
Jaime Sánchez Ilabaca, PhD. Universidad de Chile, Chile (Email)
Francesca Marone, PhD. Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy (Email)
Dayse de Marie Oliveira, PhD. Centro Edelstein de Pesquisas Sociais, Brazil (Email)
António José Osório, PhD. Universidade do Minho, Portugal (Emial)
Julio Real García, PhD. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain (Email)
Carlo Tassara, PhD. Università degli Studi "La Sapienza" di Roma, Italy (Email)
Esteban Vázquez Cano, PhD. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain (Email)

Institutional Committee

Dra. Lorma Martínez Toledo, PhD., Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Recinto de Cupey, Puerto Rico (Email)
Zaida Vega Lugo, Ed.D. Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Recinto de Cupey, Puerto Rico (Email)
Gregorio Villegas Cobian, PhD. Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Recinto de Cupey, Puerto Rico (Email)
Mariwilda Padilla, PhD. Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Recinto de Cupey, Puerto Rico (Email)
Dr. José E. Berríos Lugo, PhD. Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Recinto de Cupey, Puerto Rico (Email)
María C. Ortiz, PhD. Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Recinto de Cupey, Puerto Rico (Email)
Ángel L. Canales Encarnación, Ed.D. Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Recinto de Cupey, Puerto Rico (Email)
Judith A. González Rodríguez, Ed.D. Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Recinto de Cupey, Puerto Rico (Email)
Omar Ponce Rivera, PhD. Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Recinto de Cupey, Puerto Rico (Email)
Sonia Dávila Velázquez, Ed.D. Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Recinto de Cupey, Puerto Rico (Email)
Alicia González De la Cruz, PhD. Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Recinto de Cupey, Puerto Rico (Email)
Nellie Pagán Maldonado, PhD. Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Recinto de Cupey, Puerto Rico (Email)
Janette Orengo Puig, Ed.D. Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Recinto de Cupey, Puerto Rico (Email)
Daisy Rodríguez Sáez, Ed.D. Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Recinto de Cupey, Puerto Rico (Email)
Mildred Arbona Caballero, PhD., Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Recinto de Cupey, Puerto Rico (Email)
María Dolores Aponte Correa, PhD., Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Recinto de Cupey, Puerto Rico (Email)
Dr. José R. Cintrón Cabrera, EdD., Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Recinto de Cupey, Puerto Rico (Email)

Design, Composition and Layout
Vidal Torres Miranda (Email)
Prof. Dr. José Gómez Galán (Email)

Web Maintenance
Vidal Torres Miranda (Email)
Prof. Dr. José Gómez Galán (Email)

The management and the editorial scientific board members of the International Journal of Educational Excellence (IJEE) are not responsible of the opinions, analysis or results presented by the authors in their articles.

Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Recinto de Cupey | Escuela de Educación, PO Box 21150 San Juan, PR 00928-1150