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Benefits & Resources for Veterans

Military, veterans and dependents could be elegible for one of the following VA Education Programs:

VA Education Programs Information

Chapter 33 (Post 9/11 GI BILL®)

If you have at least 90 days of aggregate active duty service after September 10, 2001, and are still on active duty, or if you are an honorably discharged veteran or were discharged with service-connected disability after 30 days, you may be eligible for this VA-administered programs.

This benefit covers active duty served as a member of the Armed Forces or because of a call or order to active duty from a reserve component (National Guard and Reserve) under certain sections of Title 10. The program has few specific components.  

Required forms

  • Form 22-1990 - Application for VA Education Benefits
  • Form 22-1995 – Request for Change of Programs or Place of Training
  • Form 22-8691- Application for Work-Study Allowance

Chapter 33 (Post 9/11 GI BILL®) Transfer to Spouse and Dependents

The transferability option under the Post 9/11 GI BILL allows servicemembers to transfer all or some unused benefits to their spouse or dependent children. The Department of Defense (DoD) determines whether or not you can transfer benefits to you family. Once the DoD approves benefits to transfer, the new beneficiaries apply then at VA.

Required forms

  • Form 22-1990-E - Application for Family Member to Use Transferred Benefits (must be completed by the dependent not the veteran)
  • Form 22-1995 – Request for Change of Programs or Place of Training
  • Form 22-8691- Application for Work-Study Allowance

Chapter 30 Montgomery GI BILL® (Active Duty)

Provide education benefits to veterans and Servicemember who have at least two years of active duty. 

Required forms

  • From 22-1990 - Application for VA Education Benefits
  • Form 22-1995 – Request for Change of Programs or Place of Training
  • Form 22-8691- Application for Work-Study Allowance

Chapter 1606 Montgomery GI BILL® (Reservist) 

The program provides education and training benefits to eligible members to the Selected Reserve, including the Army Reserve, Navy Reserve, Air Force Reserve, Marine Corp Reserve, Cost Guard Reserve and the Army National Guard Reserve and Air National Guard. Eligibility for this program is determined by the Selected Reserve component and VA makes the payments.  

Required forms

  • Form 22-1990 - Application for VA Education Benefits
  • Form 22-1995 – Request for Change of Programs or Place of Training
  • Form 22-8691- Application for Work-Study Allowance

Chapter 31 (Vocational Rehabilitation)

Available to veterans who have been declared disabled by the Department of Veterans Affairs due to service-related injury.

You can get additional information about Vocational Rehabilitation entitlements by visiting: Veteran Affairs Homepage.

Required forms

  • Form 22-8691- Application for Work-Study Allowance

Chapter 35 DEA (Dependents Educational Assistance)

The program offer education and training opportunities to eligible dependents of Veterans who are permanently and totally disable due to service-related conditions or to Veterans who died while on active duty or as a result of a service-related conditions.

Required forms

  • Form 22-5490- Dependent’s Application for VA Education Benefits
  • Form 22-5495 - Request for Change of Programs or Place of Training, Survivor’s and Dependent’s Educational Assistance.
  • Form 22-8691- Application for Work-Study Allowance

FIGNA - Puerto Rico National Guard

This Tuition Assistance Fund Service can be used by an active member of the GNPR and their dependent (son/daughter) only when they are studying at the undergraduate level. Educational expenses include college degrees and post-secondary in accredited institutions. Will be refunded up to a maximum of 3 periods of study or up to 18 credits maximum for an academic year.


  • “GI Bill® es una marca registrada del Departamento de Asuntos de los Veteranos de los Estados Unidos (VA)
  • La Institución está aprobada por la Agencia Aprobadora de Servicios Educativos a Veteranos para proveer formación académica a los estudiantes bajo los diversos programas GI Bill®.



To verify attendance, visit the WAVE website or call the automated verification line at 877-843-2378 or the customer service team at 888-442-4551 (7 a. m. to 7 p. m.)  

Tuition Assistance /TA

ARMYIGNITED is the virtual gateway for all eligible Active Duty, National Guard and Army Reserve Soldiers to request Tuition Assistance (TA) online, anytime, anywhere for classroom and distance learning. It allows Soldiers to manage their education records including college classes, testing, on-duty classes and Army Education Counselor support.


Nancy Ramos Berrios

Education Services Specialist (Army Reserve)
Army Education Center, Fort Buchanan


Programs approved for VA Benefits (WEAMS)  

Please visit WEAMS to view your options and verify if your program of interest is approved for educational benefits in our Institution.

Apply online

College Financing Plan