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Calendario de Educación Continua |  Graduación

Military & Veterans

At the UAGM, we offer for all or our soldiers, their spouses, and dependents the alternative of initiating or completing an academic career through the benefits of our Department of Veteran´s Affairs.

UAGM has certificates, associates, bachelor, master, and doctoral degrees* in convenient day and night schedule, allowing successfully plan their studies. We have qualified faculty and academic programs tempered to the needs of the workplace. We know that the world is changing, and new and modern tools are in need.

Finally, and as a part of our services, college or military courses are validated, presenting evidence. We invite you to make an appointment with our school certifying official and get the best out of this opportunity.

Come an visit us at the Universidad Ana G. Mendez.


Educational Benefits 1-888-442-4551

Other VA Benefits (Local Regional office) 1-800-827-1000

Monthly Verification Enrollment of Enrolloment & IVR 1-877-823-2378 (Interactive Voice Responce System)

Direct Deposit Enrollment (Student)  1-877-838-2778

VA Debt Management Center 1-800-827-0648


  • “GI Bill® es una marca registrada del Departamento de Asuntos de los Veteranos de los Estados Unidos (VA)
  • La Institución está aprobada por la Agencia Aprobadora de Servicios Educativos a Veteranos para proveer formación académica a los estudiantes bajo los diversos programas GI Bill®.


María V. Pabón Vázquez

VA School Certifying Official, Carolina Campus


Arlene Morales Figueroa

VA School Certifying Official, Cupey Campus


Irma G. Rodríguez Santana

VA School Certifying Official, Gurabo Campus