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Naming Opportunities

School of Veterinary Medicine Naming Opportunities

Naming an area or laboratory for the School of Veterinary Medicine will give your company or individual name unparalleled visibility to our faculty, students and visitors in perpetuity.


Naming Oportunity Investment
The School of Veterinary Medicine Building $3,000,000
Student Center $51,000,000
The Clinical Center Wing $1,000,000
The Animal House Wing $1,000,000
The Central Atrium $250,000
Multipurpose Laboratory $250,000
Anatomy and Pathology Laboratory $75,000
Pathology Lab $75,000
Clinical Pathology Lab $75,000
Hands on Laboratory $75,000
Diagnostic imaging Laboratory $75,000
An Animal House $50,000
Food Prep Room $50,000
Research Area $25,000
One Feline Ward $10,000
Four Canine Wards $10,000 each
Endowed Senolarship  
Annual Fund Scholarship  


UAGM Dental School Naming Opportunities

Naming an area or laboratory for the Dental School will give your company or individual  name unparalleled visibility to our faculty, staff and students in perpetuity.


Naming Oportunity Investment
Name the Dental School Building $3000,000
Simulation Lab $75,000
Design Lab $75,000
Three Smaller Study Rooms $50,000 each
Lecture Room $100,000
Annual Fund Scholarship  
Endowed Senolarship  


UAGM Physical Therapy Doctoral Program

Naming an area or laboratory for the Physical Therapy Doctoral Programa will give your company or name unparalleled visibility to our faculty, staff and students in perpetuity.


Naming Oportunity Investment
The Doctoral Program in Physical Therapy Wing $3000,000
Simulatio n Physical Therapy Gym $75,000
Van to Transport PT Equipment to the Communit $75,000
Two classrooms that accommo date 40 students $50,000 each
Research Lab with equipment for new interventions $75,000
Two smaller classroom s that accommo date 20 students $50,000
One Kitchenette $25,000
10 Faculty Offices $25,000 each
Annual Fund Scholarships  
Endowed Senolarship