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International Journal of Educational Excellence 2015, 1(1)
Contents / Full text: PDF

Education and Narration in Intercultural Perspective: Theories and Interventions

Fabrizio Manuel Sirignano, Pascal Perillo, Stefania Maddalena
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2015, 1(1) 15-41
Abstract / Full text: PDF

A Phenomenological Study of Adult College Student Experience in Nontraditional Education Programmes

Zobeida González-Raimundí 
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2015, 1(1) 43-76
Abstract / Full text: PDF

University Life Adaptation: Construction and Validation of a Measurement Instrument

Luz N. Martínez Torres & Alicia González De la Cruz
International Journal of Educational Excellence 20151(1) 77-92
Abstract / Full text: PDF

Group Methodologies and Simulations for the Development of Transversal Skills: A Pilot Study in Health Sciences Higher Education

Laura San Martín Galindo, Juan José Cabrera-Martínez, Camilo Abalos-Labruzzi & José Gómez-Galán
International Journal of Educational Excellence 20151(1) 93-109
Abstract / Full text: PDF

Mixed Methods Research in Education: Capturing the Complexity of the Profession

Omar A. Ponce & Nellie Pagán Maldonado
International Journal of Educational Excellence 20151(1) 111-135
Abstract / Full text: PDF


International Journal of Educational Excellence 2015, 1(2)
Contents / Full text: PDF

Competencies of Virtual Professors in Puerto Rico: Mix Methods Approach

Alice J. Casanova Ocasio & Zaida Vega Lugo
International Journal of Educational Excellence 20151(2) 15-52
Abstract / Full text: PDF

Tutoring in Distance Education: New Proposals, Challenges and Reflections

Amaralina Miranda de Souza &  Ana da Costa Polonia
International Journal of Educational Excellence 20151(2) 53-80
Abstract / Full text: PDF

Knowledge and Influence of MOOC Courses on Initial Teacher Training

Jessica Pérez-Parras & José Gómez-Galán
International Journal of Educational Excellence 20151(2) 81-99
Abstract / Full text: PDF

Phenomenology in Educational Qualitative Research: Philosophy as Science or Philosophical Science?

Mariwilda Padilla-Díaz
International Journal of Educational Excellence 20151(2) 101-110
Abstract / Full text: PDF

The MECD Quality Certification Proposal of MOOC Courses

Miguel Baldomero Ramírez-Fernández
International Journal of Educational Excellence 20151(2) 111-123
Abstract / Full text: PDF


International Journal of Educational Excellence 2016, 2(1)
Contents / Full text: PDF

ICT Training Requirements in Higher Education: A Case Study of Training Programme for the Didactical Use of Web 2.0 Applications
María Mendieta Baltodano
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2016, 2(1), 15-27
Abstract / PDF

Learning Strategies in Relation to Academic Performance in a Nursing Degree: A Case Study
Maritza Acevedo Rodríguez, Noelia Moreno Morales & María Teresa Labajos Manzanares
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2016, 2(1), 29-47
Abstract / PDF

A New Theoretical Construct in the Concept of Self-Regulated Learning
Óscar García Gaitero, Óscar Costa Roman & José Julio Real García
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2016, 2(1), 49-61
Abstract / PDF

Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) and Pre-Service Education Professionals: A Case Study of Motivation and Knowledge
María Isabel Ponce-Escudero & José Gómez-Galán
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2016, 2(1), 63-79
Abstract / PDF

Foreign Language Teaching and Learning in a Reading Comprehension and Writing Online Module: A Higher Education Analysis
Carolina Arrieta Castillo, Nicole Roberts, Paola A. Palma Rojas & Suly M. Corredor Sánchez 
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2016, 2(1), 81-100
Abstract / PDF


International Journal of Educational Excellence 2016, 2(2)
Contents / Full text: PDF

EvalMOOC: A Pentadimensional Instrument of Improvement for the Quality Evaluation of MOOC
Miguel Baldomero Ramírez-Fernández, Juan José Leiva Olivencia & Noelia Margarita Moreno Martínez
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2015, 2(2), 15-33
Abstract / PDF

Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) as Spaces for Formative Research in Postgraduate Studies in Education
María Guadalupe Veytia Bucheli
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2015, 2(2), 35-50
Abstract / PDF

Professional Practice in Higher Education: A Case Study in Faculty Training and Development in Brazil
Edileuza de Freitas Miranda de Mendonça & José Gómez-Galán
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2015, 2(2), 51-64
Abstract / PDF

University Educational Opportunities to Adults 50 Years of Age or Older: Fundamental Reasons and Characteristics
Zobeida González-Raimundí
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2015, 2(2), 65-76
Abstract / PDF

Teaching Cognitive and Metacognitive SRL Strategies in the Science Class: An Experimental Design to Determine Effect on Academic Achievement
Marilyn Medina-Martínez & Nellie Pagán-Maldonado
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2015, 2(2), 77-105
Abstract / PDF


International Journal of Educational Excellence 2017, 3(1)
Contents / Full text: PDF

Impact of Mandatory Service-Learning Course on Civic Attitudes and Skills: Case Study in Ecuador
Karla Díaz Freire, Nascira Ramia Cárdenas & Laura Garlock
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2017, 3(1), 14-38
Abstract / PDF

Association between Knowledge, Practice and Attitude towards Nursing Care in the Neural Development of Premature Newborns
Madeline Fonseca Fonseca, Isabel María Morales Gil & Ana María García Parra
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2017, 3(1), 39-51
Abstract / PDF

Design and Validation of the Questionnaire on the Initial Training Degree of Sports Coaches: QUGRAFOR®
Guillerno López Muñiz, Esteban Vázquez Cano & José Carlos Jaenes Sánchez
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2017, 3(1), 52-62
Abstract / PDF

Integration of ICT in the Mexican Higher Education: The Case of the Virtual Environments of Learning
Armando Sánchez Macías,  María Guadalupe Veytia Bucheli & María Lourdes Martínez Cerda
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2017, 3(1), 63-77
Abstract / PDF

Impact of Osteoarthritis in the Quality of Life of Elderly Patients: Challenge on Professional Healthcare Formation and Practice
Luisa Esther Mestre Castro, María Rosa Iglesias-Parra & Isabel María Morales Gil
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2017, 3(1), 78-94
Abstract / PDF


International Journal of Educational Excellence 2017, 3(2)
Contents / Full text: PDF

Design an Action Plan to Structure a Competency-Based Curriculum: A Study in Spanish University System
Eva Ordóñez Olmedo, Gumersindo Caballero Gómez & Eloy López Meneses
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2017, 3(2), 15-34
Abstract / PDF

Nursing Students’ Satisfaction during their First Year of Study in a Private University as regards the Integration of ICTs
Vionette Sánchez González, María Teresa Labajos Manzanares & Juan Antonio Armenta Peinado
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2017, 3(2), 35-74
Abstract / PDF

Exploring Gender Differences in Graduation Proficiency in Mathematics Education Using a Markov Chain Model: Implications for Economic Growth in Nigeria
Clement Onwu Iji & Joshua Abah
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2017, 3(2), 75-86
Abstract / PDF

New Conceptual Perspectives in the Analysis of Social Vulnerabilities: The Local Advanced Marginality for the Sustainable Development of Global Citizenship
Isotta Mac Fadden & José Luis Sarasola Sánchez-Serrano
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2017, 3(2), 87-104
Abstract / PDF

Palliative Education of the Family in the Care of Terminal Patients: A Descriptive Correlational Study
Wanda Ivette Cordero Vega, Petra Rogero Anaya, José Carlos Canca Sánchez & Zaida Vega Lugo
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2017, 3(2), 105-123
Abstract / PDF


International Journal of Educational Excellence 2018, 4(1)
Contents / Full text: PDF

Comparative Analysis of Research Skills and ICT: A Case Study in Higher Education
Octaviano García Robelo & María Guadalupe Veytia Bucheli.
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2018, 4(1), 15-27
Abstract / PDF

Nursing Education, Training and Practice in the Prevention of Ulcers in Adults over 60 Years of Age: A Quasi-Experimental Study
Mary Nelly Soto Malavé, Alfonso García Guerrero, José A. Cervera Marín & Zaida Vega Lugo
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2018, 4(1), 29-62
Abstract / PDF

Expert-Panel Accreditation Evaluation-Practices: An Autoethnographic Case-Study in Spain
Juan Arturo Rubio Arostegui
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2018, 4(1), 63-78
Abstract / PDF

Teaching Practices in the 21st Century in Kenya: A Qualitative Approach
Regina K. Kaume-Mwinzi
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2018, 4(1), 77-99
Abstract / PDF

Formation of Nursing Staff in Intensive Care Units: Evaluation of Adherence to Recommendations and Variability in Management of Central Venous Catheters
María A. Mercado De Jesús & José Miguel Morales Asencio
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2018, 4(1), 101-128
Abstract / PDF


International Journal of Educational Excellence 2018, 4(2)
Contents / Full text: PDF

Academic Integrity: Influence on the Research Skills of the Pre-Service Teachers
Carina D. Espinosa & Cathy Mae D. Toquero
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2018, 4(2), 15-28
Abstract / PDF

Psychopedagogical Predecessors of Connectivism as a New Paradigm of Learning
Roberto Sánchez Cabrero & Óscar Costa Román
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2018, 4(2), 29-45
Abstract / PDF

Information Technology (I/T) in Nursing Education: Assessing Safety in the Process of Medication Administration
Maribel Rodríguez Pérez, Zaida Vega Lugo, José P. De la Cruz Cortes, José A. González Correa. Diana Rivera Alsina & Ileanexis Torres Santiago
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2018, 4(2), 47-65
Abstract / PDF

Evaluation and Assessment Practices in Early Childhood Care: A Theoretical Approach to Training
Olaniran Nathaniel, Ikuenomore Mosunmola Grace, Okoroafor Nnenna and Adesola Shehu
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2018, 4(2), 67-79
Abstract / PDF

Perceptions on the Intercession of the Student of a Mediation Master: Strategies of the Methodology of Prevention and Resolution of Conflict (2016-2018)
José Luis Sarasola Sánchez-Serrano, Evaristo Barrera Algarín, Isotta Mac Fadden and Eloy López Meneses
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2018, 4(2), 81-91
Abstract / PDF


International Journal of Educational Excellence 2019, 5(1)
Contents / Full text: PDF

Assessing the Value and Effectiveness of Study Abroad and Exchange Programs in Foreign Language Degree Programs: A Case Study
Nicole Roberts 
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2019, 5(1), 15-28
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.041
Abstract / PDF

The Global Sleep Crisis and University Education: Counseling Implications for Mathematics Education Students in Nigeria
Joshua Abah Abah, Agnes Sella Ojile, & Phoebe Ojone James
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2019, 5(1), 29-62
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.042
Abstract / PDF

University Students Perceptions on the Free Mass Training Courses Online
Quelaztli Aziyadé Salas Góngora, María Belén Morales Cevallos, Wellington Remigio Villota Oyarvide, & Eloy López Meneses
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2019, 5(1), 63-77
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.043
Abstract / PDF

Counselling Services and Study Habits among Adolescents Student in Secondary Schools: A Pre-University Perspective
Oladeni Sakirudeen Abisola, & Kelvin Udim Davies
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2019, 5(1), 79-94
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.044
Abstract / PDF

Innovative Educational Models for Nonhuman Animal Protection: A Case Study on a European School Scheme
Maria Helena Saari, & José Gómez-Galán
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2019, 5(1), 95-114
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.045
Abstract / PDF


International Journal of Educational Excellence 2019, 5(2)
Contents / Full text: PDF

Anglicisms in Spanish in Puerto Rico: An Educational-Conversational Approach
Mylord Reyes Tosta
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2019, 5(2), 15-28
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.046

Abstract / PDF

Academic-Administrators’ Decision-Making Styles and Institutional Goal Attainment: A Descriptive Research in the University Context
Maruff Akinwale Oladejo
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2019, 5(2), 29-45
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.047

Abstract / PDF

Integrating the Digital Paradigm in Higher Education: ICT Training and Skills of University Students in a European Context
Juan David Concepción Rosa, María Guadalupe Veytia Bucheli, José Gómez Galán, & Eloy López Meneses
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2019, 5(2), 47-64
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.048
Abstract / PDF

Opinion of Environmental Education Students on Teaching Methods in Higher Education: A Descriptive Research
Paula Ibitoye, &  Olayinka Stephen Ilesanmi
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2019, 5(2), 65-74
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.049
Abstract / PDF

The Graduates’ Employability Challenges in Tanzania: A Philosophical Response from Martin Buber’s Concept of Education as a Dialogue
Longino Rutagwelera Kamuhabwa
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2019, 5(2), 75-99
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.050
Abstract / PDF


International Journal of Educational Excellence 2020, 6(1)
Full text PDF

Mathematics and Epidemiology: Training in Models for the Study of the Evolution of Pandemics
José Gómez Galán
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2020, 6(1), 15-21
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.051
Abstract / PDF

The Mathematics of the Contagion: Applications of the SIR Model in the Study of Pandemics
Marta Covadonga Mora-Aguilar, & Joaquín Cerdá Boluda
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2020, 6(1), 23-42
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.052
Abstract / PDF

Fractal Kinetics of COVID-19 Pandemic
Anna L. Ziff, & Robert M. Ziff
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2020, 6(1), 43-69
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.053
Abstract / PDF

Artificial Intelligence Forecasting of Covid-19 in China
Zixin Hu, Qiyang Ge, Shudi Li, & Momiao Xiong
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2020, 6(1), 71-94
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.054
Abstract / PDF

Visual Data Analysis and Simulation Prediction for COVID-19
Baoquan Chen, Mingyi Shi, Xingyu Ni, Liangwang Ruan, Hongda Jiang, Heyuan Yao, Mengdi Wang, Zhenhua Song, Qiang Zhou, & Tong Ge
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2020, 6(1), 95-114
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.055
Abstract / PDF


International Journal of Educational Excellence 2020, 6(2)
Contents / Full text: PDF

The Paradoxical Relationship between Principals’ Transformational Leadership Styles and Teachers’ Motivation
Michael Agyemang Adarkwah, & Yu Zeyuan
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2020, 6(2), 15-46
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.056
Abstract / PDF

Studying the Equivalence of Two Language Versions of a Large Scale Assessment: A Comparison of Test Takers in United States and Puerto Rico
Jorge Carvajal Espinoza, & John Poggio
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2020, 6(2), 47-62
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.057
Abstract / PDF

Philosophy of Educational Research: New Epistemological, Methodological and Historical Approach
Omar A. Ponce, Nellie Pagán-Maldonado, & José Gómez Galán
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2020, 6(2), 63-79
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.058
Abstract / PDF

School Variables and Inclination towards Dropout of Secondary School Students: A Case Study
Abisola Oladeni Sakirudeen, & Taiwo Akinloye
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2020, 6(2), 81-95
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.059
Abstract / PDF

Risks of Social Networks for Minors: An Exploratory, Descriptive and Mixed-Methodology Study
Noelia Gutiérrez Martín, & Eva Ordóñez Olmedo
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2020, 6(2), 97-121
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.060
Abstract / PDF


International Journal of Educational Excellence 2021, 7(1)

Beginning Teachers Knowledge and Attitude toward Pupils with Learning disorders in Public Primary Schools in Nigeria
Emmanuel Olorunleke Eseyin
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2021, 7(1), 15-32
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.061
Abstract / PDF

Effectiveness of the Re-Teaching Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in Inclusive Settings in Tanzania: A Case Study
Gabriel Milobo Koboli
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2021, 7(1), 31-59
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.062
Abstract / PDF

Review of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) Nexus COVID-19 Pandemic in African Education Sector
Chinaza Uleanya, Ijeoma Noella Ezeji, & Mofoluwake Oluwadamilola Uleanya
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2021, 7(1), 61-77
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.063
Abstract / PDF

Collaborative Testing on Students’ Achievement and Retention of Chemistry Concepts: An Exploratory Study in the Field of Science Education for Sustainable Development
Bimbola Dupe Oludipe, Adewale Owodunni Saka, & Babatunde Opeyemi Awolo
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2021, 7(1), 79-97
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.064
Abstract / PDF

The Socialization of First Entering Students: An Exploratory Study at South African University
Carl Anthony Mayeza, & Wiza Munyeka
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2021, 7(1), 99-115
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.065
Abstract / PDF


International Journal of Educational Excellence 2021, 7(2)

Artistic Teaching and Creative Thinking in University Contexts: Analysis of Research Trends
Mariana Daniela González-Zamar, Emilio Abad-Segura
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2021, 7(2), 15-30
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.066
Abstract / PDF

Use of Technology and Podcast Adoption Among Members of a Higher Education Community: An Institutional Case Study
Rafael J. Rivera-Ortiz, Luis Iturralde-Albert
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2021, 7(2), 31-57
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.067
Abstract / PDF

A Comparison of Angoff’s and Holland’s Assumptions in the Levine Observed Score Equating Method: An Educational and Evaluation Study
Jorge Carvajal Espinoza, Hyeon-Joo Oh
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2021, 7(2), 59-73
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.068
Abstract / PDF

Itineraries of Community Insertion of Foreign Unaccompanied Minors in Spain: Social and Educational Approach
Tania García Fernández, José Ángel Martínez-López
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2021, 7(2), 75-95
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.069
Abstract / PDF

A Model of Interdisciplinary Approaches with Math, Research, Robotics, and Forensic Sciences: The UNE R3-STEM Project
Jorge M. Torres Colón, Loyda B. Méndez Torres, Carmen D. Peraza González
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2021, 7(2), 97-110
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.070
Abstract / PDF


International Journal of Educational Excellence 2022, 8(1)

Assessment of the Availability of E-Learning Resources for African Undergraduates: An Approach to the Issue
Ruth Moyosoluwa Aribisala, Micheal Ayodele Fakomogbon, Amos Ochayi Onojah, & Adenike Aderogba Onojah
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2022, 8(1), 15-32
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.071
Abstract / PDF

Quality Assurance of Online Teaching, Learning, and Assessment during COVID-19 Pandemic in South Africa
Chinaza Uleanya, Ijeoma Noella Ezeji Mofoluwake, & Oluwadamilola Uleanya Mafuku
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2022, 8(1), 27-43
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.072
Abstract / PDF

Academic Performance in Online Classes of Undergraduates in Education: A Descriptive Study in Africa
Sola Aletan
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2022, 8(1), 45-64
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.073
Abstract / PDF

The Work-Life Balance and Turnover Intentions in South African Higher Education
Wiza Munyeka, & Constance Khombomune Ngobeni
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2022, 8(1), 65-77
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.074
Abstract / PDF

The Threat of HIV/AIDS on Adolescent Academic Achievement: A Case Study in Nigeria
Titilayo M. Musa, Abdus-Samiu Musa, Adewale Olugbemiga Adeleye, & David Kolawole Ayinde
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2022, 8(1), 79-85
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.075
Abstract / PDF


International Journal of Educational Excellence 2022, 8(2)

Podcast in Education: Performance and Co-Word Analysis in WoS
María-José del Pino-Espejo, Antonio-José Moreno-Guerrero, Jesús López-Belmonte, & José-Antonio Marín-Marín
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2022, 8(2), 15-30
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.076
Abstract / PDF

Technological Mediation from Didactic Principles in Virtual Graduate Students: A Case Study in Mexico
María Guadalupe Veytia Bucheli, & José Gómez Galán
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2022, 8(2), 43-59
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.077
Abstract / PDF

Rethinking the Learning of Reading Comprehension and Writing Skills of University Students in the Teaching of Spanish: An Exploratory Study
Nicole Roberts
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2022, 8(2), 61-73
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.078
Abstract / PDF

Bibliometric Analysis of the Evolution of Artificial Intelligence Research Applied to Education
Esther Fernández-Márquez, Verónica Baquerizo Álava, María Belén Morales Cevallos, & Eloy López Meneses
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2022, 8(2), 75-87
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.079
Abstract / PDF

Teaching Economics at University through Film and Literature
Miguel Ángel Echarte Fernández, Javier Jorge-Vázquez, Sergio Luis Náñez Alonso, & Ricardo Reier Forradellas
International Journal of Educational Excellence 2022, 8(2), 89-110
doi: 10.18562/IJEE.080
Abstract / PDF

Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Recinto de Cupey | División Académica de Artes Liberales
PO Box 21150 San Juan, PR 00928-1150